Day Five
Day Five
61.48 miles ish
1,015 ft (elevation gain)
239.7 total miles
Glamis -> Blythe
Today was a really rough day. We started by heading out of the sand dunes in Glamis with a massive head wind. We were all switching off breaking so it wasn’t to bad though. Once out of the sand we started going through hill country. This meant that we were going up and down big hills. Unfortunately, the shoulder on the road was extremely small and we had massive trucks driving by at top speeds. After 16 Miles of these hills I decided that I didn’t feel comfortable doing the rest of them. I’m not used to riding through areas like this especially with the massive trucks driving by. This meant that I rode in the car for the rest of the day with mom. I’m a little dissapointed but I’m glad I listened to myself and didn’t push it to far and will make up the lost miles later in the trip. It was a good rest day for me as well, so hopefully I’ll be well rested and ready to go for our ride tomorrow.
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