Day Four
Day Four
28.37 miles
717 ft (elevation gain)
178.2 total miles
Brawley -> Glamis
Today was a fairly easy day. After riding so much yesterday we wanted to take it chill because we have another 60 mile day tomorrow. We rode through town for a bit which was somewhat busy but the road was really smooth. We then rode past an almost endless amount of farm fields and a dairy farm. We had our second flat tire of the trip, dad got an industrial staple in his rear wheel. Dad was really speedy with fixing his tire and we were back on the road in no time. Once we past the farms we started to ride through a desert which eventually turned into massive sand dunes. The dunes are beautiful but they cause us to ride up and down a lot of lame tiny hills. We are camping at a look out point in the dunes, which is beautiful. We met some really cool ladies today who are participating in the Rebelle Rally. The camp spot is beautiful and we had a great dinner as we watched the gorgeous sunset. My legs are a little tired from all the riding but I’m definetly feeling them get stronger.
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