Day Six
Day six
55.90 miles
2,634 ft (elevation gain)
295.6 total miles
Blythe -> Salome
Today was a pretty great day. We woke up and had the Colorado river right out our door at the camp ground we were staying at. As we road out of Blyth, we crossed over the river and road into Arizona. It feels great to have one state under our belt only seven more states to go. Shortly after lunch we discovered that I got my first flat. We got it fixed quickly and headed out for the second half of our ride. Most of the day we were on the 10, which wasn’t bad because of the big shoulder and smooth road. The day had a lot of slow climbing with a head wind. Lucky the head wind wasn’t nearly as bad as it was the yesterday. Between miles 40 and 50 the road got pretty bumpy but after those ten miles it was smooth sailing to our next camp site. The Arizona desert is absolutely beautiful right now, after the rain a few days ago all the cactus and plant are bright green. It’s suler nice to look at all ten scenery as we ride.
Our route for the day.
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