Day Two

Day Two

43.09 miles  

4,255 ft (elevation gain)  

Alpine -> Jacumba

Today went pretty well. We started with and ended with a pretty big but powered through. We had a small break with some really cute donkeys and cows on the side of the road. Soon after our break we popped our first tire of the trip, but we were able to change it fairly quick and get back on the road. Also I forgot to mention yesterday that I hit a unidentified object in the road and it ended up causing my back wheel to go out of true. We rode on the highway eight today which was really strange but the road itself was nicely paved and had wide shoulders so it wasn’t very gnarly. Between miles 20 and 30 the road got pretty gnarly with a small shoulder and a bumpy road so we ended up riding off the shoulder and on the actual road. The last ten miles were really nice and pretty much all down hill. We road right along the Mexico boarder and follow it most of tomorrow. We stopped at Jacumba Hotsprings and soaked our muscles for awhile, hopefully tomorrow I don’t feel like a noodle. 

First flat tire

First flat tire

My new friends  

My new friends  

Our route for the day  

Our route for the day  

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