Day Twenty-Five
Day 25
40.38 miles
2,489 ft (elevation gain)
955.4 total mile
somewhere on highway 118 -> Fort Davis
Today was a pretty chill but with a hill (haha that rhymes). We got started late today, we had some things we needed to do. Gilligans eye has been funky, so we had to take him to the vet. Luckly he is totally fine and just has conjunctivitis. We also had to do a some laundry. Tom still isn’t feeling good so sleeping in was good for him. We started our ride around 11 at the same spot on highway 118 that we did yesterday. The ride started with a gradual uphill with a bit of a tail wind. We were riding through a big canyon with beautiful mountains and rock out croppings. There were a ton of cool cows on the mountains they blended in really well, they would also clump in places with shade. Slowly the gradual uphill turned into a steep uphill, this still wasn’t to bad in a low gear. On the hills we take our time and enjoy the sites. It’s really cool to look around when your going slow and see things that you wouldn’t normally see. At the top of the climb there were a lot of big rolling hills that seemed to take forever. This really were not fun. Shortly after the ascent we ate PB and J’s at a beautiful picnic spot with a oak tree that was perfect for climbing. After lunch we had a short climb and then a ton of down hill. The downhill was pretty fun it had big turns and wasn’t too steep. The view was also beautiful as were descending into Fort Davis, we were able to see into a massive valley and see all the trees turning colors. We finished our ride around 4:30 and immediately went to see Fort Davis, the fort was super cool, we were able to walk through barracks, captains corridors, and the hospital. All of it was beautifully restored and truly amazing. Tonight we also drove out at dark to the town of Marfa to see the mysterious glowing orbs of Marfa. It was really nice to see all of the stars, we also got to see a complete really pretty shooting stars. Overall today was really neat we saw a ton of different and cool things.
Heading out for the day.
Our road for the day.
Lunch time!
Climbing trees in our free time.
Fort Davis.
Fort Davis with my pops.
Fort Davis with my mama.
More Fort Davis.
Our route for the day.
Elevation profile.
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