Day Twenty
Day 20
61.42 miles
780 ft (elevation gain)
755.3 total miles
Las Cruces -> El Paso
Today we started and ended our ride kinda late. The day started with a great breakfast, including zucchini bread sent to us from Barb. After breakfast we had to go to and RV store to buy some parts for the trailer. We then started the ride. Riding through Las Cruces was a little bit sketchy, cars were going pretty fast and there big sections do road work where we didn’t have much of a shoulder. We were all wearing our bright colors so cars could easily see us and would give us as much space as they could. Once through the main city, we were on fairly quiet farm roads. We road the massive orchards of peacans. At one point the trees were so big that it looked like we were in a peacan tree tunnel. We also went through more fields of cotton, and some corn fields. We crossed over the Rio Grande river multiple time today, unfortunately it was less of a river and more of a mud pit. It was really wild to see how little water was in it. The whole first half of ten day was relatively flat we were able to speed through this section really fast. At around the half way point there was some what large hill, I didnt realize how tried my legs were until this hill. After riding two big days previously the hill was not the best. We still got over it quickly and we’re rewarded with a nice down hill. The first have of ten decent was nicely paved and really fun, at about ten half way point the road got really bumpy. These bumps felt pretty terrible on the tushy. After this we ate a quick lunch, and headed out for the rest of the day and the Texas boarder. We crossed the Texas boarder shortly after lunch, we are now done with three states how wild is that! The roads so far in Texas have had really large shoulder and have been paved really well. The next few weeks will be spent in Texas so hopefully the roads continue to be this nice. As we were planing our route for today we decided to take the alternate route around El Paso instead of through El Paso. Everyone we talked to and all the blogs we read said that the ride through the city is super sketchy and busy, so by going around the outskirts we were able to avoid most of the traffic. El Paso is still a little sketch but we’ve avoided most of the super gnarly parts. Overall today was pretty good,y legs are feeling super strong and ready to continue riding.
Our method for doing laundry.
We love our RV stores!
Heading out for the day.
Peacan tree tunnel.
Some how this happens everyday to my calves.
Rio Grande river.
Lunch time for us and nap time for the pups.
Welcome to Texas.
Our route for the day.
Our elevation profile.
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