Day Seventeen
Day 17
Rest day 3
Silver City
RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! Today we got completely rained out, it was pouring. Starting last night the rain started, it rained all night long, hailed a little bit this morning and continued raining most of the day. We were supposed to do one of our biggest rides today, over Emory pass whos elevation is around 8,300 ft. According to locals the top of the pass was definitely getting snow, so we didn’t want to ride in those conditions at all. All day today was really cold in the 50 degree range and tonight it is supposed to be below freezing. According to the weather channel this is the first freeze for Silver City. Honestly we aren’t super prepared for this weather, we probably didn’t bring enough warm clothes but we’re making it work with a lot of funky layers. Hopefully tomorrow it’s not as cold and the pass isn’t icy. Okay enough of weather stuff. Since we didn’t ride today we took advantage of the resources in Silver City. We washed both of our pups, this was a wild experience. We went on a massive Walmart grocery store run. And we did an insian amount of laundry. After all our errands were finished we went into town and ate lunch and dinner. At lunch mom and I saw two other bikers, we introduced ourselves, and became quick friends. We ended up talking to them for a couple hours and had so much fun sharing our experiences and meeting people doing a bike tour as well. Tomorrow morning we’ll head out for a fairly large ride, and hopefully we’ll stay warm.
Best cuddle buddy when it’s cold.
Local coffee shop this morning.
Bath time for the pups. Check out those stylish arm guards.
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